Conversation Excerpt(s) #1

[woven mobius strip]

The following in an excerpt from a recorded conversation between Angel Dominguez and JH Phrydas recorded the night of March 9th 2013. We will continue to excerpt from this and other conversations over the coming weeks. The following is the first 3 minutes transcribed. We started recording late in the night, the night before this. This is only the beginning of what was talked about. The conversation will continue…

“The temporal moment in which we find ourselves is this sudden fountaining effect of past traumatic emotional experience and futurity enacting itself through this double spiral that occurs like, seemingly in an infinite sign, however it never connects, aside from that moment of the water spurting out of the center of that fountain and that moment of the water spurting out of the center of the fountain is the present temporal Being (the water feature) Exactly! The water feature. And so you have these two opposite spirals, one of which you have as permanent temporal documentation or supposed permanent temporal documentation because that’s what you remember, but what you remember is really a fictitious representation of what actually happened. So you have this one moment occurring. This fictitious moment occurring that is more real than say the right handed side of the fictitious occurring which is the futurity of an event that never occurred. And so you follow that  into its spiral and so when these two converge, they don’t converge in the way that say an infinity or a figure 8 occurs (right) they connect (or a Mobius strip), precisely! And instead what they do is create this misting effect; it is the misting effect that is the writing, because suddenly its the blending of possibility and the absolute which cross into this intangible: you cant place mist into a river bed, you can only have mist when you hike through the redwood forest at 6 am before the sun comes up and when you get to the river and the sun reveals all the mist throughout the entire forest, that’s the moment of writing: it’s the moment of the emergence of the sun. The sun being the reader and this sudden understanding of past and futurity occurring within this non-tangible event that is the (fucking) emotional chrysalis; this leads back to Snake Poetics: the moment that you hop into the vessel that is the infinite mist of sun: experience possible futurity and the incompleteness of the reader (or melt into) or melt into, yes!”

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